Monkey GO Happy Stage 651: Godfather featuring Sonny Corleone in honor of James Caan
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Monkey GO Happy Stage 651: Godfather featuring Sonny Corleone in honor of James Caan · game online

Welcome to the world ruled by the ruthless Godfather and his cruel mafia clans! This story is about a brave little monkey who decided to challenge the main criminal of her time.

Throughout the mid-20th century, evil and violence reigned all over the world. But no one could compare to the heartless Godfather and his gang of criminals who ruled the underworld.

Nevertheless, our little heroine decided not to give up. She embarked on a mission that seemed too dangerous even for the bravest and strongest. She needs to search rooms, find all the hidden items in two locations, and open safes. So, are you ready to embark on a dangerous and thrilling adventure? May luck be on your side!

How to play the game Monkey GO Happy Stage 651: Godfather featuring Sonny Corleone in honor of James Caan?

Tap or Left mouse click.