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Share game: · game online is an exciting multiplayer game that immerses you in the captivating world of the ocean. Become the true king of the sea by competing against other mighty sharks! You'll encounter an incredible variety of weapons in the form of thrilling fins, each with its unique style. Customize your character to create unpredictability and terror among your opponents!

Don't forget about your unique abilities! Use acceleration to race through the waves and outmaneuver your rivals in the battle for dominance. Show off your cleverness and skills by carving out your own path to victory, collecting vibrant white objects, and marvel at how your score rapidly increases with every collected star!

Are you ready to engage and become the supreme predator of this ruthless ocean? Dive into the world of, where marine power awaits its true hero!

How to play the game

Move with WASD, Arrow keys or the mouse

Dash by pressing the spacebar or click the left mouse button!

Defeat enemies by running into them with your horn!